Gainesville, FL
UF Health Douglas Williams Executive Health Program
Estimated availability in
-22 days5k-10k
1-3 days
Choosing the right Executive Health package is effortless. Age appropriate packages are constructed with your individual needs in mind. At the end of your visit, your test results and a wellness plan are provided in a private consultation with specific recommendations for improving or sustaining your health and to enhance your quality of life.
What this place offers
Comprehensive physical exams
Personal consult with physician
Consult with registered dietitian
Treadmill cardiac stress test
Body composition testing
Metabolic analysis
Hearing screening
Pelvic exam with PAP smear and breast exam for women
Massage therapy
Assessment from athletic trainer
Prostate exam for men
Memory screening and gait/balance assessment for seniors
Complimentary meals (breakfast and lunch)
VIP parking
Massage services
Personal wellness assistant
Access to a fully-equipped computer station and internet