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Background Image
UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program main image
UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program image 2
UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program image 3

Los Angeles, CA

UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program

Estimated availability in

-22 days


1-3 days

Our CHP Liaisons take care of any and all logistical needs related to your appointment at UCLA. Liaisons will assist you in the scheduling of your Executive Physical consisting of appointments your doctor recommends after reviewing the comprehensive health questionnaire that you will complete upon scheduling.

UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program main image
UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program image 2
UCLA Health Comprehensive Health Program image 3

What this place offers

  • Personalized nutritional counseling

  • Immediate online access to test results via MyUCLAHealth

  • Comprehensive written report of evaluation

  • Vaccination counseling and administration

  • Amenities

    Concierge services

    Logistical assistance from CHP Liaisons

    Telephone and fax service

    Internet access

    Photocopying facilities

    Sedan service for Executive Plus patients

    Discounted hotel accommodations

