Prosper, Texas
Prosper, Texas
Fort Worth, TX
Estimated availability in
-86 days5k-10k
1-3 days
Texas Health in Fort Worth, TX, offers comprehensive care.
Medical History & Physical Exam
Musculoskeletal & Systems Exam
Skin Cancer Screening
Review of Adult Vaccinations
Body Composition / Waist-Hip / BMI
Computerized Medication Reconciliation
Comprehensive Labs (CBC, Thyroid, Liver, Kidney, Electrolytes)
Advanced Labs: Cholesterol, C-Reactive Protein
TSH with reflex T4, Thyroid Screening
Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy
Vitamin B-12
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), male
Testosterone, male
Hepatitis B Screening (HBsAb, HBsAg, anti-HBc)
Hepatitis C Screening
Hemoglobin A1C