Kettering, OH
Kettering Health Main Campus
Estimated availability in
-22 days5k-10k
1-3 days
We provide our leaders with quick and convenient healthcare, so you can improve your health, despite your busy schedule. Our Executive Health Program is designed to take the value of an executive’s time into consideration. Each executive is given a comprehensive examination based on their health history and is seen by board certified physicians for an elite experience. The commitment of our physicians and staff is one of the essential features of this program. Our team will work with you to better your health.
What this place offers
Comprehensive examination based on health history
Individualized healthcare
Health education and recommendations
Board certified physician consultations
Complimentary wireless internet
On-site pharmacy with concierge service
Café on the Boulevard
Fresco Deli
Boulevard Bakery – Cafe of Hope
Gift Shop
24/7 chapel for prayer and meditation
Vending machines