Atlanta, GA
Emory Healthcare
Estimated availability in
-22 days5k-10k
1-3 days
Located in the center of Emory University’s campus, Emory Executive Health Center is a well-established, comprehensive, state-of-the-art center for extended preventative assessments.
What this place offers
One hour physical with physician
Same-day review of results and development of care plan
12 months of priority access and care coordination
Wellness coaching
Dietary assessment
Personalized exercise counseling
Body composition analysis with resting metabolic rate
Chronic disease risk assessment
Family health risk review
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Immunization review
One hour physical with physician
Same-day review of results and development of care plan
12 months of priority access and care coordination
Wellness coaching
Dietary assessment
Personalized exercise counseling
Body composition analysis with resting metabolic rate
Chronic disease risk assessment